As you've probably gathered from our sidewalk chalk favors & chalkboard table numbers, our wedding is a bit chalkboard themed. So I'm trying to sneak in as many chalkboard details as possible & yesterday, I made a big ol' framed chalkboard in just about 30 minutes!

I had this beautiful empty frame just lying around that someone gave me for free a while back.So I measured the back & we went off to the store to get the supplies. All I needed was some MDF board & chalkboard spray paint, bringing the total cost of this project to under $10!

After letting the spray paint dry, I attached the board to the frame with a staple gun. Although, screws or nails would've worked, too. & voi-la! You can see happy me holding my beloved new chalkboard at the top of this entry :] I'm glad I finally found a use for that frame! We'll probably use it as a menu board at the wedding & bonus! We get to hang it up in our home afterwards. Next up, I'll show you how building our own keezer is going. Can you guess what type of spray paint we used? ;]
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